Fun and Fight
Date of occurrence:
May 26, 2011.
There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to fun and fights between siblings.
Our little guys are no exception and switch from one to the other in no time flat. Sometimes they need a mediator, but in most situations they are perfectly able to solve the problems themselves.
We only have one tricycle and that is often the source of quibble, dispute and disagreement. As soon as the boys step outside, they make a dash for it. First come, first served, but that doesn't always go over well with the other; at occasions, some serious physical pushing and pulling can occur.
That changes faster then a leaf in the wind and results in one propelling the other on the tricycle. It is mostly Kc who ends up pushing his younger brother forward, because Leo is not yet strong and big enough to return the favor. Both boys seem happy with this arrangement and so are we.
We rather see them have fun then fight! :-)
May 26, 2011.
Our little guys are no exception and switch from one to the other in no time flat. Sometimes they need a mediator, but in most situations they are perfectly able to solve the problems themselves.
We only have one tricycle and that is often the source of quibble, dispute and disagreement. As soon as the boys step outside, they make a dash for it. First come, first served, but that doesn't always go over well with the other; at occasions, some serious physical pushing and pulling can occur.
That changes faster then a leaf in the wind and results in one propelling the other on the tricycle. It is mostly Kc who ends up pushing his younger brother forward, because Leo is not yet strong and big enough to return the favor. Both boys seem happy with this arrangement and so are we.
We rather see them have fun then fight! :-)
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