Staying With The Family
Date of occurrence:
August 20, 2011.
So, what do you do when it is your Opa's birthday, you come over to bring him a present, share in the celebration and the cake and Oma has family over from across the big pond? You stay!
I can only imagine that must have crossed our oldest grandson's mind when it was time for him and his siblings to go back home. He sure didn't want to and asked if he could stay.
In spite of the fact that we told him there was no place for him to sleep and he could come back to stay over soon, his eyes filled with tears. Uh oh, that was a little too much for me to bear and after exchanging looks with Opa and the consent of his Mom, I caved in.
He had a great time basking in the attention and even learned a Dutch children's song. As far as the sleeping arrangements went; no problem. We fixed him up with a soft, cozy, little bed on the treadmill.
He exercised in sleeping around the clock! Grin.
August 20, 2011.

I can only imagine that must have crossed our oldest grandson's mind when it was time for him and his siblings to go back home. He sure didn't want to and asked if he could stay.
In spite of the fact that we told him there was no place for him to sleep and he could come back to stay over soon, his eyes filled with tears. Uh oh, that was a little too much for me to bear and after exchanging looks with Opa and the consent of his Mom, I caved in.
He had a great time basking in the attention and even learned a Dutch children's song. As far as the sleeping arrangements went; no problem. We fixed him up with a soft, cozy, little bed on the treadmill.
He exercised in sleeping around the clock! Grin.
This is a very lovely picture, Lieve Zus :)
Yeah, those are both my aunts and my cousin is in the middle. I was happy to see them and we had a great time!
God's Grace.
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