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Friday, February 8, 2013

Accidents Happen

Our youngest daughter and our now almost one month old granddaughter are staying in one of our guest rooms for the time being. I am glad we bought a new mattress for the bed not too long ago, so they can sleep comfortably, but I am also anticipating having to clean it once they are gone.

Little Isabella is not quick and very good at burping and already had a couple of accidents when some of her meal came back up. Her mom has been complaining about having night sweats, and I suspect the mattress may absorb some leakage of diapers in the near future. In other words; the mattress will not stay clean for long.

I am afraid it may cause health problems in the long run. Since recently, I had no idea how to clean a mattress and safely get rid of all those stains. I vacuumed it out and washed the sheets regularly to eliminate dust mites and prevent allergies, but the smell of the ghosts from accidents past would linger to haunt the next sleeper.

I wish I had thought of putting a mattress protector over it, but it is too late for that now. I really need a good mattress cleaner that will wipe out the stain, smell, and allergies at the same time. Those products exist and I desperately need to purchase some.

Accidents happen and a mattress cleaner will save health and money. It would be wise having it handy!


Blogger audrey` said...

You could be busier now. Please take very good care of yourself, Lieve Zus (((HUGS)))

10/2/13 6:40 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

I could be, but I am not. The children aren't coming until summer vacation, according to their dad. We will have to go and make a trip up there, because it has been way too long before we saw them. :-)

You take care too, lieve zus!

God's Grace.

11/2/13 5:17 AM  

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