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Monday, April 6, 2015

Mama's Day

Date of occurrence:
May 11, 2014.

It is that special day again where Mom is looking forward to what Levi will come up with next to surprise her. Why? Well, I suppose you already know the answer to that question: it is Mother's Day!

Mom didn't have to contain her excitement for very long and Levi sure didn't. He could hardly wait to present her with his gifts and I suspect he woke her up rather early.

Our little guy sure had been a busy, little beaver at daycare and handcrafted some very colorful and pretty keepsakes.

Just as mom thought Levi was done, she found out she was mistaken. The icing on the cake was yet to come: a big kiss from our little guy made the day even sweeter.

What a wonderful way to start Mom's special day!


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