Cub Scout Camp Out
Date of occurrence:
October 11, 2014.
This weekend is Kc's first camp out as a cub scout. Aunt A. is going with him and looking at the list of things to do, they will not be bored by any means.
They leave Friday afternoon fresh, energetic, and excited. They return Sunday morning exhausted, tired, but still excited.
They did almost everything and also went to the bonfire Saturday night and Kc kept asking aunt A. where the bomb was. He clearly misunderstood and after aunt A. explained it was a bon- and not bomb-fire, they both laughed about it.
Upon asking Kc what he liked best, he answered without hesitation: "Everything!"
Yes, it shows.
And this was only a small part of all the activities he participated in!
October 11, 2014.
They leave Friday afternoon fresh, energetic, and excited. They return Sunday morning exhausted, tired, but still excited.
They did almost everything and also went to the bonfire Saturday night and Kc kept asking aunt A. where the bomb was. He clearly misunderstood and after aunt A. explained it was a bon- and not bomb-fire, they both laughed about it.
Upon asking Kc what he liked best, he answered without hesitation: "Everything!"
And this was only a small part of all the activities he participated in!
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