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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Rocky Road

Date of occurrence:
September 29, 2014.

While Kc is changing into his uniform to go to the cub scouts, I pick up his school clothes which he had carelessly thrown on his bed. I intend to put them in the washer, but as I grab his pants an avalanche of gravel falls out of his pocket.

As they scatter all over his bed and the floor, my first reaction is: "Oh, no. Kc, why didn't you mention you had these in your pocket?"

He tells me he got them from the school's playground. He thought they were pretty, wanted to add them to his rock collection and stuffed them in one of his pockets. Unfortunately, he forgot all about them.

That's great. Oh well, time to get out the vacuum cleaner out.

And clear this rocky road!


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