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Monday, June 15, 2015

The Give-Away

Date of occurrence:
September 5, 2014.

School had sent home a form where we could order books and some other toys for the kids. We decided to order two cool toys; one for Kc and one for Leo. We were going to save Leo's as a Christmas present, so both boys could play together.

As we picked up Kc from school today, he announced he got the order. That is great. Hold on a second; there were supposed to be two and there is just one in his backpack. What happened to the other one?

Kc tells us he gave it away to a friend in his class. His friend wanted one so bad and Kc thought Leo would just tear it up.

Wait a minute young man; although we can appreciate the deed and sympathize with the thought, it was not yours to give away. How are we going to handle this?

We finally come to the following solution: Kc will pay for the one he gave away and we will get Leo something else.

We hope that next time he will think twice before he gives away what belongs to someone else!


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