Nom Nom Nom
Date of occurrence:
August 24, 2014.
Both Bell's father and Opa's Birthday were last week and it so turned out that today suited everyone best for celebrating both. The get-together is going to be held at our house and will start around dinner time with a scrumptious, catered meal.
Bell immediately starts playing. She loves taking the drawer out of the play kitchen and hands me every spoon, knife and other kitchen utensil she comes across.
Each time she gives me an item she says: "Thank you". She also wants me to taste the imaginary food on the spoon and makes that clear by sticking it in her mouth and going: "Nom nom nom".
At one point Kc ends up sitting in the middle of Bell and me. He is playing a game on his aunt's phone and gets distracted when another utensil changes hands from his little sister's to mine right in front of his face.
I apologize to him for the annoyance and the thought to pull him into our play crosses my mind. I look at Bell and ask her if we should tickle Kc.
Of course I instigate the game by saying: "Tickle, tickle, tickle, Kc" and turning the words into deeds.
Kc laughs out loud and that prods Bell to follow the example. Her little hand goes to his shoulder and she says: "Ticke, ticke, tick, C" while she gently tickles him.
It's too cute, but what else could you expect?
She is cute!
August 24, 2014.
Both Bell's father and Opa's Birthday were last week and it so turned out that today suited everyone best for celebrating both. The get-together is going to be held at our house and will start around dinner time with a scrumptious, catered meal.
Bell immediately starts playing. She loves taking the drawer out of the play kitchen and hands me every spoon, knife and other kitchen utensil she comes across.
Each time she gives me an item she says: "Thank you". She also wants me to taste the imaginary food on the spoon and makes that clear by sticking it in her mouth and going: "Nom nom nom".
At one point Kc ends up sitting in the middle of Bell and me. He is playing a game on his aunt's phone and gets distracted when another utensil changes hands from his little sister's to mine right in front of his face.
Of course I instigate the game by saying: "Tickle, tickle, tickle, Kc" and turning the words into deeds.
Kc laughs out loud and that prods Bell to follow the example. Her little hand goes to his shoulder and she says: "Ticke, ticke, tick, C" while she gently tickles him.
It's too cute, but what else could you expect?
She is cute!
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