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Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Note

Date of occurrence:
September 5, 2014.

Kc had a long weekend due to Labor Day and suffering from sickness last Tuesday. He returned last Tuesday evening and is about to leave again to spend the weekend with his mom at her work.

I can't help but tease him about leaving us again and tell him I am going to miss him. He assures me he will be back.

I ask him what I am going to do if I miss him so much I am about to cry and I make a very sad face while posing the question.

He doesn't hesitate and goes to the drawer where I keep my sticky notes. He takes one out and writes something on it. He shows Opa the note, returns to the kitchen and sticks it on the fridge.

He says to me: "When you are about to cry you just read the note."
I take a look at the note and the words warm my heart.

It says: I love you both!


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