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Monday, June 29, 2015

It's A Boy

Date of occurrence:
October 16, 2014.

It is an exciting day. Our second youngest daughter is going to find out whether the baby is going to be a girl or a boy.

She is hoping for a boy, so she can say she is going home to 'her men' after work. Dad is hoping for a girl. My guess is he would like to have one of each.

After examining the sonogram, the gynaecologist tells them one of them is going to have his/her wish granted. She calls to let us know the results: it is a boy!

Levi went with them and stared at the screen. He had no notion yet that he was looking at his brother.

He too had expressed his wish for a sister, but when told he was going to have a baby-brother he said: "Yup. Momma got a baby in her tummy!"


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