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Sunday, July 12, 2015


Date of occurrence:
November 11, 2014.

Kc loves to play Uno and got Opa to play with him.

After five games, he had won two and Opa won three.

Opa decided to give him another chance and secretly indicated to me he was going to let Kc win this time.

The cards were distributed and, while rearranging them in his hands, Kc looked at them intensely.

He was judging the hand he was dealt and his first reaction was: "Hmmm. Opa, I am going to win."
Opa: "Noooo."
Kc: "Yes".
And out of the blue, while still studying his cards, he says: "You brought me up and I bring you down!"

We have no clue where that came from, but it was too funny. As far as the game goes; it seemed to take forever, but the little man won.

It ended in a tie! Grin.


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