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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Happy Faces

Date of occurrence:
April 21, 2015.

We already knew our oldest grandson Kc loves helping people, but the following action on his part touched our hearts.

Every Friday, the kids can bring a dollar to school to buy a special snack. After Kc got home from school last week, he told us he had promised a boy in another 2nd grade to buy him a soft drink next week. He wanted to do so, because the boy never had any money and always looked so sad when the other children bought a snack and he didn't.

Kc felt so sorry for him, but apparently not sorry enough to use his own dollar on a snack for the boy. I couldn't help it, but I busted out laughing when he answered my question about what he did with his money and told me he had spent that on a snack for himself. I could see in his eyes he felt a little guilty about that.

We told Kc that a man is as good as his word and since we like to encourage care and kindness we gave him an extra dollar, but also made it clear to him that the next time he promised to buy someone something, he would have to dig into his own piggy bank. He had no problem with that.

He bought the boy a soft drink and the kid was so grateful, he hugged Kc several times. I wished we could have witnessed that.

I have a great suspicion we would have seen two happy faces!


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