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Monday, August 3, 2015

The Diaper

Date of occurrence:
February 4, 2015.

Mom is without a car and needs a few groceries. We pick her and Bell up and take them to the store. While Mom goes in to get what she needs, Bell stays with us in the car.

She is talking her little head off, but we can not understand everything she is relating to us.

I am trying to have a conversation with her, based on the few words I can pick out like Momma, dog, yeah, and okay.

A few seconds later she says: "Diaper."
I ask her: "What about your diaper?"
With a really huge grin she answers: "Poopoo, pee."

After getting home, the little critter sticks her head out of the door and waves bye-bye. I suddenly remember I forgot to tell her Mom about the diaper.

I figure she will find out soon enough! Grin.


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