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Friday, November 13, 2015

Forward Motion

Date of occurrence:
September 13, 2015.
Daley is almost 6 months old.

I have to say it again: time flies. Daily is already almost six months old and our little buddy is making attempts to sit up.

He can sit up, but not for long. He gets so excited when he is sitting. He starts rocking his little body which causes him to loose his balance, fall down and land on his side. It won't be long though before he has got it down pad.

He has no problems rolling over and is even starting to crawl. He is not getting anywhere quick yet, but he is in the process of generating forward motion.

Beware to move everything out of his path, because he will grab whatever he can lay his little hands on.

That wouldn't be so bad were it not for the fact that it will all be subjected to the Daley chew and taste test!


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