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Monday, January 25, 2016

More To Come

Date of occurrence:
December 25, 2015.

Leo and Emmaly arrive around two o'clock in the afternoon. They are happy to be here and some big hugs are given to Opa, aunt A. and me.

They are eager to open their presents, but since they didn't have lunch yet, we feed them first.

Lunch is devoured in no time and we don't make them wait longer then necessary.

Wrapping paper is torn off the gifts and 'oh' and 'yes' fill the air as expressions of their delight.

Mom and Kc arrive a little later to pick them up. They still have a few more rounds to go.

Rounds to other family members are on tab where they will be rounding up more presents.

Off they go, loaded up with gifts.

And filled with excitement of more to come!


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