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Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Arrival

Date of occurrence:
November 20, 2015.

Leo and Emmaly arrive around 8:30 PM. We are happy to see them and the feeling is mutual. They hug us big time and Leo even has trouble letting go.

We are amazed as to how much they have grown and Emmaly in particular. She is almost as tall as Leo.

Leo hasn't changed much, although his new haircut and permanent front teeth give him a more grown-up look.

They both are curious to see Lily too and can't keep their eyes, and hands for that matter, off of her.

After having been behind the wheel all day, Mom is eager to get home, settle in and get some needed rest. That is quite understandable and after ten minutes from arrival they leave.

That's okay, because we will see them in a few days and will be able to spend some quality time with them. We can hardly wait.

We sure missed them!


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