Goodbye Daycare
Date of occurrence:
January 14, 2016.
Today will be bitter sweet: it is the last day of daycare. Levi has to say goodbye to all his friends, because he will be going to first grade next week.
Mom made a special treat for all the friends Levi has to leave behind.
She attached a card which says 'I say bye, because I can go to elementary' and ended with a hug from Levi.
Yes, Levi reached a milestone in his life. Now it's on to the next one.
Elementary, here I come!
January 14, 2016.

Mom made a special treat for all the friends Levi has to leave behind.
She attached a card which says 'I say bye, because I can go to elementary' and ended with a hug from Levi.
Yes, Levi reached a milestone in his life. Now it's on to the next one.
Elementary, here I come!
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