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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Quarter In, Quarter Out

Date of occurrence:
January 8, 2016.

After swallowing a quarter on New Year's Day, I have diligently gone through all the 'number twos' our little man produced so far. Without success I have to add.

It should have come out by now, but it didn't and Mom is already making arrangements to take him for another X-ray later this afternoon.

After we pick Kc up from school, he states he has to go for #2. Armed with a plastic bag, paper plate, stick, and Ziploc bags for gloves, I set him up.

He is done pretty quick which leaves me with the wonderful task to go through it. I keep praying it is in there, so it will save them all another time-robbing trip to the hospital.

I am about to give up when the stick suddenly hits something hard and solid. Low and behold: there is the quarter. I am so happy, I shout out loud with excitement: "Yeahhhhh, success!"

Everyone is glad and relieved and I probably more so, because it means I am finally shed of this 'crappy job'.

The quarter looks quite different from when it went in. After cleaning it meticulously, it turns out it lost its shine.

What would you expect after the long journey through the inner-workings of our grandson?!


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