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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Hike

Date of occurrence:
January 17, 2016.

It is a holiday tomorrow and since the Cub Scouts don't have a meeting on those days, the leaders decided to work towards some requirements by going hiking this afternoon.

Kc is very excited and can hardly wait for church to be over.

Opa gave him a new back pack specifically for hiking and he is chomping at the bit to strap it on and put it to good use.

It will be a two hour hike through a park and, fully equipped with their hiking gear, off they go.

They walk, listen to the noises around them, and are being taught and quizzed about animals, birds and plants.

Tired but content they are on the way back home when Kc shares his thoughts with aunt A.

"This was a fun day!"


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