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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hoping To See Them Soon Again

date of occurrence:
January 4, 2016.

Kc's vacation is almost over. School starts back up tomorrow. Leo and Emmaly still have this week off and will be going home in a few days.

Aunt A., Kc, and I take them to the Cub Scout meeting with us, after which we will drop them off at their mom's house.

They participate in the games, learn about pocket knives and even pick up some knife safety rules.

On the way back, Emmaly says she liked it a lot and proclaims she is a girl scout. Leo says that the only thing he liked was the playing, but not the learning part. I am not surprised; he is not an outdoor guy like his brother.

After the short drive home, it is time for us to tell them goodbye.

We don't know when we will see them again, but we hope it will be soon!


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