Date of occurrence:
May 29, 2016.
We are having an unexpected visitor in our yard: a tortoise. It is the second time it decided to come around. The first time we served it some bread which it devoured in no time, before returning to the woods.
When I see it walking through the yard again, I go outside, pick it up, carry it inside and show Kc. The tortoise is not shy at all and comes right out of his shell while I am holding it.
We take a good look at it and before we set it back outside, Kc gets a piece of bread to feed the tortoise.
It must be hungry, because it starts eating right away and won't stop until it is all gone.
Then it wanders off.
It may be back sometime and Kc decides to name it 'Wink'. I don't know how he came up with that name. I would probably have called it 'Blink', because...
Wink is gone in a blink!
May 29, 2016.
We are having an unexpected visitor in our yard: a tortoise. It is the second time it decided to come around. The first time we served it some bread which it devoured in no time, before returning to the woods.
When I see it walking through the yard again, I go outside, pick it up, carry it inside and show Kc. The tortoise is not shy at all and comes right out of his shell while I am holding it.

It must be hungry, because it starts eating right away and won't stop until it is all gone.
Then it wanders off.
It may be back sometime and Kc decides to name it 'Wink'. I don't know how he came up with that name. I would probably have called it 'Blink', because...
Wink is gone in a blink!
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