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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Blowing In The Wind

Date of occurrence:
May 5, 2016.

As we are getting ready for school, I discover Kc's jacket is missing. I remembered he wore it to school yesterday, but came home without.

Upon asking, he first denies it is left behind. Then he looks in his book bag. I tell him if it had been in there I would already have taken it out yesterday. He must have left it at school.

Kc: "No, it is not at school."
Me: "Then where is it? You wore it yesterday morning and came home without it. So, it must be at school."
Kc: "No, it's not. Maybe...., maybe the wind blew it away." If that had been a joke I would have laughed about it, but he was dead-serious.
Me: "What?"
Kc: "Yeah. I was at PE and the wind blew it away. I am telling you the truth."
Me: "Please, don't tell me a story."
Kc: "I am not. It's true. The wind blew it away."

Opa got into the discussion as Kc insisted that he was wearing his jacket and the wind blew it from his arms. The discussion turned into a debate, which was not in favor of our story-telling grandson. He lost ground with every word that came out of his mouth.

Eventually, he admitted he had taken it off at PE and put it down somewhere. My suspicion is he forgot about it afterwards and tried to escape the consequence of being fussed at. Well, he got what he didn't want and then some.

As far as the jacket goes: it is still blowing in the wind somewhere!


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