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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Party Animal

Date of occurrence:
May 13, 2016.

With all the tests behind them, school decided to reward the kids for all their efforts and organized an afternoon filled with music, snacks and dance.

Kc was all up for that and had already planned what 'party clothes' he was going to wear.

The dance starts at 1:00 pm and I am in time to see the first students enter the gym.

The decorations are gorgeous and very artistic and the music is loud and right up their alley.

Kc is happy to see me and starts out by making his round.

He visits each table, checks out the games and snacks, and decides to begin with having his face painted.

He is not dancing, but that changes in an instant.

As he brings me a snack to hold for him when a new song starts playing.
Kc: "Ohhhhhh, I love this song." And off he goes, dancing his little heart out.

He dances, plays more games, tries a Hula Hoop, and dances some more until he is sweaty and tired.

It is a good thing we can have an early dismissal, because it is time.

Time to take this party animal home! Grin.


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