Date of occurrence:
July 9, 2017.
Lily, who has been staying with her other grandma while mom is at work, is happy to see her siblings whenever Mom is off and they are all back together again.
With all the five children in the house, distraction is at the top of the list.
There is always something going on which piques Lily's curiosity and/or interest.
This is one of those moments and she has no clue that her big brother captures her on his phone and sends us the picture.
It shows clearly where Lily's little mind is.
It is distracted!
July 9, 2017.
Lily, who has been staying with her other grandma while mom is at work, is happy to see her siblings whenever Mom is off and they are all back together again.

There is always something going on which piques Lily's curiosity and/or interest.
This is one of those moments and she has no clue that her big brother captures her on his phone and sends us the picture.
It shows clearly where Lily's little mind is.
It is distracted!
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