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Friday, December 8, 2017

The Mind Spasm

Date of occurrence:
November 22, 2017.

Emmaly and Leo were picked up by their Mom last Saturday and spent some time with her and their siblings. Both, including Kc, were dropped off early this morning and will spend today and most of Thanksgiving with us.

After a while on the electronics, I direct them outside to play some. The weather is too nice and they don't need to get all square-eyed. They sure are having fun.

A little later we go back in. The boys immediately turn to their electronics and disappear in Kc's room. Emmaly plays with her doll house for a bit and then watches some videos on the computer. She has her headphones on and is totally into the little dolls' adventures on the screen.

Opa decides to tease Emmaly and calls her. She doesn't hear it. He calls her again a few times more, but without avail. After several more attempts she finally looks up, takes her headphones off and comes over.

Opa: "Are you having a mind spasm, girl?"
Emmaly frowns and replies: "I don't even know what that is."
Opa: "That means you don't hear or see anything else but what is on TV or the computer. So, do you have a mind spasm?"
Emmaly: "No, I don't."
Opa: "Then let's see if we can have a conversation without you looking at the TV or computer."
Emmaly: "Okay. I can."

Of course she can't. Her eyes constantly wander to the TV or computer.
Opa: "See. I knew it. You have a mind spasm."
Emmaly: "But my video is playing and I am missing it."
Opa: "And you still are convinced you don't have mind spasms?"
Emmaly, realizing Opa is teasing her: "Oma, can I go now and watch my video?"
Me: "Don't ask me, ask Opa. You and Opa are talking."

She asks if she can go now. Opa smiles and lets her off the hook. She goes back to the computer and picks up where she left off.

Yup, she goes straight back to having a mind spasm! Grin.


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