Playing Rough
Date of occurrence:
October 19, 2008.
Kc is almost 20 and a half months old.
I know, that we all lead by example and Lil' Kc shows, how true that is. It may not seem like it, but he notices the tiniest little things and mimics them and puts them to practice. Incredible, how observant kids are.
The other day, he and I were playing. He made a little fist and pushed it against my arm, as if he was punching me. It is a little game he plays with his father. I am not for this kind of rough play. I don't want to get in to a habit of it and certainly have no intention at all, to encourage it. I know, boys will be boys, but I wanted to make sure, he grasped the concept of how his 'hitting' and rough play could inflict pain.
I pretended to cry after his (harmless) punch. He stood there for a moment. An observant and considering look in his eyes. Then he leaned over and gave me a hug. Not just 'A' hug. His little hands on my arms were patting me, as in compassion and comfort. Exactly like we do to him, when he would have hurt himself. How endearing!
The punching?? He tried it one more time after that, but did not like the reaction he got. I think he got the concept and gave up on it. At least I hope so. He loves to make people laugh, not cry and I hope he will follow our example, by being a help and not a hurt to others.
He seems to be well on his way. He loves to help out and make people laugh. He is good at it too. :-)
October 19, 2008.
Kc is almost 20 and a half months old.
I know, that we all lead by example and Lil' Kc shows, how true that is. It may not seem like it, but he notices the tiniest little things and mimics them and puts them to practice. Incredible, how observant kids are.
The other day, he and I were playing. He made a little fist and pushed it against my arm, as if he was punching me. It is a little game he plays with his father. I am not for this kind of rough play. I don't want to get in to a habit of it and certainly have no intention at all, to encourage it. I know, boys will be boys, but I wanted to make sure, he grasped the concept of how his 'hitting' and rough play could inflict pain.
I pretended to cry after his (harmless) punch. He stood there for a moment. An observant and considering look in his eyes. Then he leaned over and gave me a hug. Not just 'A' hug. His little hands on my arms were patting me, as in compassion and comfort. Exactly like we do to him, when he would have hurt himself. How endearing!
He seems to be well on his way. He loves to help out and make people laugh. He is good at it too. :-)
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