Dukes Of Hazzard
Date of occurrence:
December 5, 2008.
Leo is 10 months old.
Leo, our youngest grand son, has been pulling himself up for quite a while now. He can stand up pretty good and when being held, he walks a bit even if it is still on his little toes. He has no problem whatsoever scooting around the coffee table.
He is finding his balance more and more. I noticed the other day, while I was holding him by his arms, that he had gotten more stable; he even stood by himself for just a few split seconds. Wow, I was quite impressed, seeing how he is only 10 months old.
It is obvious, he would love to be able to walk. There is no doubt in my mind that as soon as he can he will follow his big brother around. He already does so right now by putting his walker to good use. That has resulted in bruised heels on several occasions.
I don't know why, but I have a hunch that those two little rascals might get into a lot of mischief together. They are going to be some team!
I wonder why the 'Dukes of Hazzard' come to mind, haha.
December 5, 2008.
Leo is 10 months old.
Leo, our youngest grand son, has been pulling himself up for quite a while now. He can stand up pretty good and when being held, he walks a bit even if it is still on his little toes. He has no problem whatsoever scooting around the coffee table.
It is obvious, he would love to be able to walk. There is no doubt in my mind that as soon as he can he will follow his big brother around. He already does so right now by putting his walker to good use. That has resulted in bruised heels on several occasions.
I don't know why, but I have a hunch that those two little rascals might get into a lot of mischief together. They are going to be some team!
I wonder why the 'Dukes of Hazzard' come to mind, haha.
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