The Tickle Monster
Date of occurrence:
November 24, 2008.
Lil Kc is almost 22 months old.
Lil' Kc is at such an age where he starts to understand things and we can teach him some fun stuff as well. Since he has always been someone who loves to make people laugh, what better to teach him than how to make them laugh by.... tickling!
Should you wonder who came up with the idea of teaching him that; yours truly is guilty as charged. I do tickle lil' Kc and would say: "Tickle, tickle, tickle" and make him laugh so loud, until he would pee on himself. Even though the last is just an expression, I would not be surprised if it was true, haha.
The other day, I thought it was time for him to learn how to tickle. I took his little hand and showed him how to do it. He caught on so fast; it was amazing. He went from one to the other, tickling their sides or arms and said: "Teeteetee".
I managed to get him to do it to his little brother a couple of times. Lil' Leo laughed his little head off, as you may have seen in my previous post about the boys.
Yeah, Leo will be taught as well. Although it maybe not such a good idea if both critters come after you.
There is already hardly any defense against one little tickle-monster, let alone two! Grin.
November 24, 2008.
Lil Kc is almost 22 months old.
Lil' Kc is at such an age where he starts to understand things and we can teach him some fun stuff as well. Since he has always been someone who loves to make people laugh, what better to teach him than how to make them laugh by.... tickling!
Should you wonder who came up with the idea of teaching him that; yours truly is guilty as charged. I do tickle lil' Kc and would say: "Tickle, tickle, tickle" and make him laugh so loud, until he would pee on himself. Even though the last is just an expression, I would not be surprised if it was true, haha.
The other day, I thought it was time for him to learn how to tickle. I took his little hand and showed him how to do it. He caught on so fast; it was amazing. He went from one to the other, tickling their sides or arms and said: "Teeteetee".
Yeah, Leo will be taught as well. Although it maybe not such a good idea if both critters come after you.
There is already hardly any defense against one little tickle-monster, let alone two! Grin.
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