Date of occurrence:
November 7, 2008.
Kc is 21 months old.
The mail had run and while I was reading a letter that I had opened, I had left the envelope sitting in my lap. During that time up until I was done, lil' Kc stood in front of me and was watching what I was doing. His eyes were one big question mark.
I handed him the envelope and the small advertisement brochure that had come with it. He took it and without any hesitation he said: "Junk"! Opa, his mom and I couldn't help but burst out laughing and both Opa and I wondered how he knew??
Well, that puzzle was solved pretty quickly and it became very understandable when his Mommy explained to us that her husband calls all mail 'junk'. Aha!
It is so cute to see how the little ones reflect and take on their parents example. It is dangerous as well. We really have to watch what we do and say, especially if we want to be a good example.
But... lil' Kc was right. It was junk-mail! :-)
November 7, 2008.
Kc is 21 months old.
The mail had run and while I was reading a letter that I had opened, I had left the envelope sitting in my lap. During that time up until I was done, lil' Kc stood in front of me and was watching what I was doing. His eyes were one big question mark.
I handed him the envelope and the small advertisement brochure that had come with it. He took it and without any hesitation he said: "Junk"! Opa, his mom and I couldn't help but burst out laughing and both Opa and I wondered how he knew??
It is so cute to see how the little ones reflect and take on their parents example. It is dangerous as well. We really have to watch what we do and say, especially if we want to be a good example.
But... lil' Kc was right. It was junk-mail! :-)
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