What Goes Around....
Date of occurrence:
October 30, 2008.
Kc is almost 21 months old.
As soon as little Kc could crawl around, he had a passion for my slippers. He used to pull one off my feet and then take off with it, faster than a mouse ever could. He had the greatest fun doing that. Oma had the greatest fun chasing him.
Now that he is older, he not only loves to steal my slippers from my feet, he puts them on and walks around on them. It is quite a funny sight, to see the little man shuffling around on those way too big slippers. The expression on his face is priceless, though. :-)

Yesterday, friends of his parents gave him his own pair of slippers. Yeah, little cars and our critter was soooo proud. He came over to us and lifted up one of his little feet, to show them.
I could not help it. I pulled the little slipper of his foot, grinned at him and pretended to run away with it. At first, he had a puzzled look on his face, then I could see him think. He half grinned and tried to get his slipper back. I grinned and walked away from him. He frowned and .... gave up. At that point, I could not tease him any longer and put it back on his foot.
Oddly enough, after this little episode, he hardly ever tried to take my slippers from me and the few times when he did, he put them back on my feet.
I guess he learned quick enough, that was goes around, comes around. :-)
October 30, 2008.
Kc is almost 21 months old.
Now that he is older, he not only loves to steal my slippers from my feet, he puts them on and walks around on them. It is quite a funny sight, to see the little man shuffling around on those way too big slippers. The expression on his face is priceless, though. :-)
I could not help it. I pulled the little slipper of his foot, grinned at him and pretended to run away with it. At first, he had a puzzled look on his face, then I could see him think. He half grinned and tried to get his slipper back. I grinned and walked away from him. He frowned and .... gave up. At that point, I could not tease him any longer and put it back on his foot.
Oddly enough, after this little episode, he hardly ever tried to take my slippers from me and the few times when he did, he put them back on my feet.
I guess he learned quick enough, that was goes around, comes around. :-)
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