Pleasing To The Taste-Buds
Date of occurrence:
January 23, 2009.
Kc is 15 days shy of turning 2 yrs old.
The last time our oldest grandson was here I served him some juice which he apparently had not had before. He normally gulps down whatever is in his cup, with the exception of water, because he does not like that.
This time however he took a sip, rolled it around in his mouth and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. He sure took his time drinking it. By the time his sippy-cup was empty it was inevitable: of course he wanted some more.
He is so funny trying to communicate that. He gives us his empty cup, makes an asking noise and then walks in to the kitchen with determination. He stops in front of the fridge and tries to open it. Nope, it is not opening. We baby-proofed it.
I felt bad for him because we were out of that juice, but Oma made a mental note: next time our little critter is over, we will have an abundant supply in the fridge.
My lil' buddy's taste-buds will be pleased. :-)
January 23, 2009.
Kc is 15 days shy of turning 2 yrs old.
The last time our oldest grandson was here I served him some juice which he apparently had not had before. He normally gulps down whatever is in his cup, with the exception of water, because he does not like that.
This time however he took a sip, rolled it around in his mouth and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. He sure took his time drinking it. By the time his sippy-cup was empty it was inevitable: of course he wanted some more.

I felt bad for him because we were out of that juice, but Oma made a mental note: next time our little critter is over, we will have an abundant supply in the fridge.
My lil' buddy's taste-buds will be pleased. :-)
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