Date of occurrence:
February 9, 2009.Kc has just turned 2 and Leo is 1 yrs old.

Our grandsons stayed with us for a few hours, this morning. It is cute to see, how Leo is getting around, following his brother everywhere and of course, getting in to mischief by himself. He is clearly testing his boundaries.
When Opa went in to the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee, the boys were right on his heels. Little Leo pulled open one of the cabinets and Opa told him "No, no!" Of course, all the little rascal did, was give him a big grin. Again Opa told him "No" and then .... big brother stepped in.

Kc positioned himself right in front of Leo, looked him straight in the eye and with a bit of a raised, but determined voice, got on to his brother. It was plain and obvious to anyone, who observed this little scene. In his own language, he was making clear to Leo, that opening cabinets was not allowed.
The message must have gotten across. Leo did not open them anymore, after his brother's reprimand.
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