Happy Birthday, Kc!
Date of occurrence:
February 8, 2009.
Lil' Kc is two years old today!!!
Two years old, as cute as a button and as sweet as can be. I know, you probably think I am prejudiced because he is my grandson. Yup I am, but I honestly have never seen a 2 year old who is so helpful and so caring. Let me give you a few examples:
Whenever he and his brother come over, he always tucks my necklace in my shirt. I had done that ever since the boys were babies, to prevent them from hooking their little fingers behind it or trying to pull it. Leo still tends to do so and Kc knows it.
We have three small glass tea lights on the window sill in the kitchen. I usually put them up because lil' Leo takes a stroll with them and the likelihood he will fall and cut himself is too great. One time, being in a rush, I forgot. Kc saw the tea lights, took them and put them high on the counter where Leo could not reach them.
He takes his cup to the kitchen and either puts it on the counter or dumps it in the sink. Yeah, it is a good thing his cup is made out of plastic. Grin.
Lil' Kc takes anything that is garbage, runs to the kitchen where the trash can is and disposes of it. All gone, gone.
When he sees or knows someone got hurt, like his little brother or even me, he shows compassion and gives comfort. He pets Leo on his head or runs a hand across my cheek.
These are just a few of the many examples. The little guy loves to help with anything, anywhere and any how he can. Let's just say that as young as he is, he loves and cares. I hope and pray he will never loose that, but only grows stronger in it as the years pass by.
Happy Birthday, little man!!!
Opa and Oma love you. :-)
February 8, 2009.
Lil' Kc is two years old today!!!
Whenever he and his brother come over, he always tucks my necklace in my shirt. I had done that ever since the boys were babies, to prevent them from hooking their little fingers behind it or trying to pull it. Leo still tends to do so and Kc knows it.
We have three small glass tea lights on the window sill in the kitchen. I usually put them up because lil' Leo takes a stroll with them and the likelihood he will fall and cut himself is too great. One time, being in a rush, I forgot. Kc saw the tea lights, took them and put them high on the counter where Leo could not reach them.
He takes his cup to the kitchen and either puts it on the counter or dumps it in the sink. Yeah, it is a good thing his cup is made out of plastic. Grin.
Lil' Kc takes anything that is garbage, runs to the kitchen where the trash can is and disposes of it. All gone, gone.
When he sees or knows someone got hurt, like his little brother or even me, he shows compassion and gives comfort. He pets Leo on his head or runs a hand across my cheek.
These are just a few of the many examples. The little guy loves to help with anything, anywhere and any how he can. Let's just say that as young as he is, he loves and cares. I hope and pray he will never loose that, but only grows stronger in it as the years pass by.
Happy Birthday, little man!!!
Opa and Oma love you. :-)
They are getting so big Corry!! And they'll be awesome big brothers to their sister :D.
May His richest blessings be upon you and yours throughout the remainder of this week!
Thank you so much, girl. I pray we will be blessed to see them grow up. :-)
I hope and pray y'all are doing well.
God's Grace.
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