Talking Back
Date of occurrence:
April 23, 2009.
Little Leo is almost 15 months old.
Leo is definitely the talker of our two grand sons. He produces lots of noises and we even thought we heard the word 'book' out of his mouth, when he tried to confiscate the one that his big brother was trying to read.
Another thing we noticed was that he is back-talking at us. He got in to the magazine holder and pulled out several books. He had already gotten a good hold of one and torn it up. I reprimanded him several times, but he just refused to listen and pulled one out again.
I walked over to him, hunkered down to his level and wagged my finger in front of his face, telling him clearly: "Leo: no, no, NO!" Without even blinking his eyes he threw out a regiment of none comprehensive sentences at me. Even though the words were not understandable his tone of voice clearly implemented something along these lines: "Who are you to tell me what I can or can not do? I want to have that and so I will."
Ehhh, I don't think so little buddy. I grabbed his little arm, told him that I did not care and pulled him towards the toy basket where I diverted him. It seemed to work, because he did not try it again after that.
This was only one of those occasions, where he protested. Talking and explaining will get better as he gets older. I don't mind him talking back at me, right now. At least he does it to our faces.
I have to admit; it is kind of endearing as well. :-)
April 23, 2009.
Little Leo is almost 15 months old.
Leo is definitely the talker of our two grand sons. He produces lots of noises and we even thought we heard the word 'book' out of his mouth, when he tried to confiscate the one that his big brother was trying to read.
I walked over to him, hunkered down to his level and wagged my finger in front of his face, telling him clearly: "Leo: no, no, NO!" Without even blinking his eyes he threw out a regiment of none comprehensive sentences at me. Even though the words were not understandable his tone of voice clearly implemented something along these lines: "Who are you to tell me what I can or can not do? I want to have that and so I will."
Ehhh, I don't think so little buddy. I grabbed his little arm, told him that I did not care and pulled him towards the toy basket where I diverted him. It seemed to work, because he did not try it again after that.
This was only one of those occasions, where he protested. Talking and explaining will get better as he gets older. I don't mind him talking back at me, right now. At least he does it to our faces.
I have to admit; it is kind of endearing as well. :-)
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