Sing Along Song
Date of occurrence:
March 26, 2009.
Leo is 14 months old and Kc is 2 yrs and almost 2 months old.
I like watching our grandsons. It is so endearing to see their reactions, especially when it comes down to the shows on TV.
Little Leo for instance, can be totally focused on what is going on. He gets in to it. He does not pay any attention to his environment anymore. You can call him, wave your hand in front of his eyes, he keeps on staring at the TV.
Little Kc on the other hand, is multi tasking. He is playing and babbling, but very aware of what is going on. Whenever he hears music on the TV, he starts dancing and may glance at it, until the song is over.
He began to sing as well. The other day, when the tune from Spongebob came on, he started swaying to and fro and sang: "BOOOooob, BOOOooob, Bob".
I hope both boys will many reasons to sing a lot more in their lives. :-)
March 26, 2009.
Leo is 14 months old and Kc is 2 yrs and almost 2 months old.
I like watching our grandsons. It is so endearing to see their reactions, especially when it comes down to the shows on TV.
Little Kc on the other hand, is multi tasking. He is playing and babbling, but very aware of what is going on. Whenever he hears music on the TV, he starts dancing and may glance at it, until the song is over.
He began to sing as well. The other day, when the tune from Spongebob came on, he started swaying to and fro and sang: "BOOOooob, BOOOooob, Bob".
I hope both boys will many reasons to sing a lot more in their lives. :-)
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