Date of occurrence:
April 6, 2009.
Little Leo is 14 months old.
We had prompted our daughter to go ahead and buy the boys an entire new outfit for Easter, on our behalf. It was a little gift from us to them. Something different than the traditional Easter baskets and eggs. The rate at which both boys are growing, we knew they could use it. It also included a new pair of shoes and last night they all came by to show it.
Leo, who still kind of staggers around like a little Frankenstein, clearly had to get used to his new shoes. He tried to climb up on a toy-car, but could not get his little chubby high enough to sit on it. His shoe prohibited him from doing so. After several attempts, he accomplished this task.
He finally had managed to take a seat on it. He must have been surprised, when he could not find the music buttons and the steering wheel. That does not work well.
Not if you sit on it backwards! :-)
April 6, 2009.
Little Leo is 14 months old.
We had prompted our daughter to go ahead and buy the boys an entire new outfit for Easter, on our behalf. It was a little gift from us to them. Something different than the traditional Easter baskets and eggs. The rate at which both boys are growing, we knew they could use it. It also included a new pair of shoes and last night they all came by to show it.
He finally had managed to take a seat on it. He must have been surprised, when he could not find the music buttons and the steering wheel. That does not work well.
Not if you sit on it backwards! :-)
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