Emma's Pictures
Date of occurrence:
October 13, 2009.
Little Emma is 6 days old.

As promised, pictures of our grand daughter. Isn't she a cutie? She sure has red, red hair, but that is not a surprise seeing how her great-grandmother had it and her aunt is a red headed stepchild, hehe.
We finally got to download the pictures that were on our oldest daughter's cell phone. She took a bunch for which we are very grateful. At least that way we get to stay updated on all the kids.
We still don't know how her middle name is spelled, but we will get around to that sometime soon. At least little critter is healthy and doing well.
May God watch over her and her sibblings and bless them abundantly.
October 13, 2009.
Little Emma is 6 days old.
As promised, pictures of our grand daughter. Isn't she a cutie? She sure has red, red hair, but that is not a surprise seeing how her great-grandmother had it and her aunt is a red headed stepchild, hehe.
We still don't know how her middle name is spelled, but we will get around to that sometime soon. At least little critter is healthy and doing well.
May God watch over her and her sibblings and bless them abundantly.
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