Tiny Matter, Big Deal
Date of occurrence:
May 16, 2009.
Lil Kc is 2 yrs and 3 months old.
One of the first things lil' Kc does when he comes in is take my hand and lead me to the kitchen. He points right at the cabinet which holds the boys' drinking cups and utters some sounds. I know exactly what he wants: something to drink.
I usually fix him a sippy cup and ask him which one he would like, but this time he did not seem to excited about either one. Hmmm, he may be ready for a regular cup and since I had some plastic cups at hand, I poured his drink in one and handed it to him.
He carefully took a sip, looked up at me and nodded big as a sign of approval. He drank a bit more and I was surprised how accomplished he was at it.
"Wow. Good job, little man!"
A big grin lit up his face.
It so turned out that at home he already was drinking from a cup, but they had failed to tell me that. Since he is a bright little guy, he himself ensured I knew. Even though it was a tiny matter, it was a big deal to him and he took it in his own tiny hands.
Way to go, lil' dude. Oma is proud of you!
May 16, 2009.
Lil Kc is 2 yrs and 3 months old.
One of the first things lil' Kc does when he comes in is take my hand and lead me to the kitchen. He points right at the cabinet which holds the boys' drinking cups and utters some sounds. I know exactly what he wants: something to drink.
I usually fix him a sippy cup and ask him which one he would like, but this time he did not seem to excited about either one. Hmmm, he may be ready for a regular cup and since I had some plastic cups at hand, I poured his drink in one and handed it to him.
"Wow. Good job, little man!"
A big grin lit up his face.
It so turned out that at home he already was drinking from a cup, but they had failed to tell me that. Since he is a bright little guy, he himself ensured I knew. Even though it was a tiny matter, it was a big deal to him and he took it in his own tiny hands.
Way to go, lil' dude. Oma is proud of you!
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