Bad Hair Day???
Date of occurrence:
May 17, 2009.
Lil' Leo is 1 year and 3 and a half months old.
Odd, isn't it, to see how all kids have their own little quirks to fall asleep. Since the boys are over here a lot lately, I get to put lil' Leo to bed for his naps which his mom usually does.
I have to sit with him until he falls asleep, otherwise he will climb right out and not sleep at all. He needs his naps though, if he does not want to be cranky and miserable for the rest of the day.
After trying to get up, playing and diverting me, he finally lays still and looks at me. His eyes are completely fixed on mine and he won't look away at all. I just smile and run my finger over his little chin; it seems to sooth him.
Suddenly he rests his arms on each side of his face and starts playing with his hair. He grabs locks of his hair and gently pulls them until they slip out of his fingers. This goes on for several minutes, while he is still fixated on me. Then, all of a sudden his eyelids slowly close. He tries to fight it, but eventually gives in and off to dreamland he goes.
It takes a lot more pursuasion and consistency to put this little guy to sleep, compared to his brother. It is cute to see him drift off like that though, plucking his hair. One thing is for sure; he looks so cute, even when he would wake up having a bad hair day! Grin.
May 17, 2009.
Lil' Leo is 1 year and 3 and a half months old.
Odd, isn't it, to see how all kids have their own little quirks to fall asleep. Since the boys are over here a lot lately, I get to put lil' Leo to bed for his naps which his mom usually does.
I have to sit with him until he falls asleep, otherwise he will climb right out and not sleep at all. He needs his naps though, if he does not want to be cranky and miserable for the rest of the day.
After trying to get up, playing and diverting me, he finally lays still and looks at me. His eyes are completely fixed on mine and he won't look away at all. I just smile and run my finger over his little chin; it seems to sooth him.
It takes a lot more pursuasion and consistency to put this little guy to sleep, compared to his brother. It is cute to see him drift off like that though, plucking his hair. One thing is for sure; he looks so cute, even when he would wake up having a bad hair day! Grin.
*GRIN* too =)
I wake up with a bad hair day every day, sigh. :-D
God's Grace.
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