Our Little Yardman
Date of occurrence:
June 16, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 4 months old.
The yardman came by the other day to cut the grass. Both boys stood in front of the window almost all the time; watching with fascination. The riding lawn mower had both their attention and their fear, due to all the noise it produced.
After the job was done, the boys were allowed outside again. The lawn mower was parked just outside the gate and both were looking at it in awe.
When the yardman noticed their curiosity, he asked them if they wanted to take a seat. Lil' Leo did not want to have anything to do with it, but lil' Kc did. Even though he was afraid of it at first, after a little encouragement he sat down, checked it out and grabbed the handles.
He pushed them back and forth, copying the yardman's actions and I suspect he would have loved to drive the thing. Seeing how he enjoys the outdoors so much, he may start cutting grass to earn some extra money when he is older. He already has customers:
Opa and Oma! :-)
June 16, 2009.
Kc is 2 years and 4 months old.

After the job was done, the boys were allowed outside again. The lawn mower was parked just outside the gate and both were looking at it in awe.
When the yardman noticed their curiosity, he asked them if they wanted to take a seat. Lil' Leo did not want to have anything to do with it, but lil' Kc did. Even though he was afraid of it at first, after a little encouragement he sat down, checked it out and grabbed the handles.
He pushed them back and forth, copying the yardman's actions and I suspect he would have loved to drive the thing. Seeing how he enjoys the outdoors so much, he may start cutting grass to earn some extra money when he is older. He already has customers:
Opa and Oma! :-)
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