Leo versus Mr. Sandman
Date of occurrence:
November 27, 2009.
Leo is 1 year and 10 months old.
Both boys are sleeping in the 'big' bed in the guest bedroom. It is also where their toys are stored in a large wicker trunk. You can imagine that bedtime is a matter of trial and error. It mainly comes down to the last, especially where little Leo is concerned.
It's bath time, pick-up toys time and then bedtime. They make their round of hugs and nite-nites, climb in bed and enjoy the story. After we prayed, I tuck them in and sit with them for a little bit, while they are going to sleep.
Little Kc is no problem; he lays there, staring at the ceiling or wall for a little while and then his eyes slowly shut and off he goes. Leo however is battling it out with Mr. Sandman.
Ding, ding, ding: round one.
Mr. Sandman makes the first move. He sprinkles some sleeping sand in Leo's eyes. Leo counter-acts with rubbing it out and kicking Mr. Sandman back in his corner by opening his eyes as wide as he can.
Ding, ding, ding: round two.
Mr. Sandman comes back with a vengeance, throwing a handful in those little eyes. He seems successful this time; Leo starts playing with his hair which is a sign of getting very close to being knocked out. That is deceptive though and before I know it he is forcing Mr. Sandman out of the ring by pulling his pacifier out of his mouth and talking. "Sssshhhh, go to sleep"!
Ding, ding, ding: round three.
Mr. Sandman has had it and empties his entire bag in Leo's face. The little guy's eyelids are heavy and about to slam shut. He is playing with his hair and frantically sucking on his pacifier. I declare Mr. Sandman as the winner, quietly get up and leave the room. That caused me to miss out on Mr. Sandman being knocked for a loop.
Within a few minutes we hear loud banging noises, talking, laughing and other mischief coming from the room. I take a peek and see little Leo digging in the toy chest, dumping toys on his brother and having a ball. I sternly order him back in bed and the whole fight starts all over again.
I finally wise up and take the roll of referree. Yeah, I am in favor of Mr. Sandman who had to go all the way back home numerous times to fill up his bag with sleeping sand.
Ding, ding, ding: round 'forever plus one'.
..... And the winner is: Mr. Sandman!!!!
By that time, both he and I are so tired we could fall asleep on the spot. That kind of makes the victory iffy.
November 27, 2009.
Leo is 1 year and 10 months old.
Both boys are sleeping in the 'big' bed in the guest bedroom. It is also where their toys are stored in a large wicker trunk. You can imagine that bedtime is a matter of trial and error. It mainly comes down to the last, especially where little Leo is concerned.
It's bath time, pick-up toys time and then bedtime. They make their round of hugs and nite-nites, climb in bed and enjoy the story. After we prayed, I tuck them in and sit with them for a little bit, while they are going to sleep.
Little Kc is no problem; he lays there, staring at the ceiling or wall for a little while and then his eyes slowly shut and off he goes. Leo however is battling it out with Mr. Sandman.
Mr. Sandman makes the first move. He sprinkles some sleeping sand in Leo's eyes. Leo counter-acts with rubbing it out and kicking Mr. Sandman back in his corner by opening his eyes as wide as he can.
Ding, ding, ding: round two.
Mr. Sandman comes back with a vengeance, throwing a handful in those little eyes. He seems successful this time; Leo starts playing with his hair which is a sign of getting very close to being knocked out. That is deceptive though and before I know it he is forcing Mr. Sandman out of the ring by pulling his pacifier out of his mouth and talking. "Sssshhhh, go to sleep"!
Ding, ding, ding: round three.
Mr. Sandman has had it and empties his entire bag in Leo's face. The little guy's eyelids are heavy and about to slam shut. He is playing with his hair and frantically sucking on his pacifier. I declare Mr. Sandman as the winner, quietly get up and leave the room. That caused me to miss out on Mr. Sandman being knocked for a loop.
Within a few minutes we hear loud banging noises, talking, laughing and other mischief coming from the room. I take a peek and see little Leo digging in the toy chest, dumping toys on his brother and having a ball. I sternly order him back in bed and the whole fight starts all over again.
I finally wise up and take the roll of referree. Yeah, I am in favor of Mr. Sandman who had to go all the way back home numerous times to fill up his bag with sleeping sand.
Ding, ding, ding: round 'forever plus one'.
..... And the winner is: Mr. Sandman!!!!
By that time, both he and I are so tired we could fall asleep on the spot. That kind of makes the victory iffy.
Hi Oma,
I just wanted you to know That this story is a blessing to my heart because you are getting to experience the memorys of their childhood a little bit at a time !
May God continue to bless you and Opa .
True enough and we are so thankful for every second of it.
God's Grace.
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