Emmy is sitting up
Date of occurrence:
April 27, 2010.
Emmy is 6 and a half months old.
Emmy loves sitting up, but she was too wobbly and fell over all the time. This little seat was a great solution and kept her up, but eventually she had to learn doing it herself. Of course she would; it was just a matter of time.
That time has finally arrived and she did it: little Emmy managed to find her balance and is sitting up all by herself. Don't even try lying her down, she doesn't like it and sits back up again in no time.
Well done, little head of red. Opa and Oma are proud of you! :-)
April 27, 2010.
Emmy is 6 and a half months old.

That time has finally arrived and she did it: little Emmy managed to find her balance and is sitting up all by herself. Don't even try lying her down, she doesn't like it and sits back up again in no time.
Well done, little head of red. Opa and Oma are proud of you! :-)
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