Bubble Gun Fun
Date of occurrence:
March 20, 2010.
We had bought a few small containers for blowing bubbles and lil' Kc new exactly what to do; he blew plenty of bubbles. Lil' Leo however, couldn't get it down path; he held it so close to his mouth he got the soap all over it. Oh yeah, he blew bubbles, just not the way he was supposed to. Grin.
In order for the boys having lots of fun without too much trouble and effort, we bought both of them a bubble gun. That was right up their alley; they filled the air with a gazillion bubbles and engulfed each other, the dog, and their grandparents in them as well.
Needless to mention there eventually was more soap on the boys and everyone else then there was left in the bubble guns. Oma didn't fuss about it; it saved soap bathing the boys and laundry detergent washing the clothes. :-)
March 20, 2010.

In order for the boys having lots of fun without too much trouble and effort, we bought both of them a bubble gun. That was right up their alley; they filled the air with a gazillion bubbles and engulfed each other, the dog, and their grandparents in them as well.
Needless to mention there eventually was more soap on the boys and everyone else then there was left in the bubble guns. Oma didn't fuss about it; it saved soap bathing the boys and laundry detergent washing the clothes. :-)
Hi Corry,
We did the same thing when my first grandson was born only we let him blow bubbles on the linolieum floor in kitchen and when he said out nana out nana she went into kitchen to see and help him and the slippery floor helped her to slide down ?He was about 2 1/2 years old . Enjoyed talking to KC the other !
Blessings to ya'll .
That is why we let them blow bubbles outside; we don't want to slip and slide all through the house! Grin.
Talk to you soon. Have a very blessed weekend!
God's Grace.
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