The Go-Getter
Date of occurrence:
July 18, 2010.
Emmy is 9 months and 10 days old.
... and she is standing up! She is pretty stable and seems rather self confident in it as well, because she doesn't hesitate to use only one hand keeping her balance.
Every now and then she forgets she is standing up and uses both hands to either grab something or play with what she has. It only lasts a couple of seconds before she realizes she is 'unsupported' and insecurity sets in; she starts to wobble and grabs a hold of the coffee table again, with both hands.
I have a vague suspicion she may be walking pretty soon. Each time one of her brothers comes near her with a toy, it looks like she wants to go after them and play with that toy too. Since she can't walk yet, she plops down on her little hiny.
I can gather from her expression she will neither abide, nor accept that for long. I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a little go-getter! :-)
July 18, 2010.
Emmy is 9 months and 10 days old.

Every now and then she forgets she is standing up and uses both hands to either grab something or play with what she has. It only lasts a couple of seconds before she realizes she is 'unsupported' and insecurity sets in; she starts to wobble and grabs a hold of the coffee table again, with both hands.
I have a vague suspicion she may be walking pretty soon. Each time one of her brothers comes near her with a toy, it looks like she wants to go after them and play with that toy too. Since she can't walk yet, she plops down on her little hiny.
I can gather from her expression she will neither abide, nor accept that for long. I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a little go-getter! :-)
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