Knock, Knock...
Date of occurrence:
July 17, 2010.
Kc is 3 years and a half years old.
The little guy and Oma are practically inseperable; no matter where I go, even if it is only for a second, he follows. Even after telling him that Oma will be back in no time and he can sit with Opa, he is right behind me.
That would present a problem when 'nature calls', but we worked it out. He stands outside the door, knocks and calls: "Oma!"
I couldn't resist after he knocked and asked: "Who's there?"
To my surprise he answered: "Cakey" (Yeah, we are working on his pronounciation of his name).
I didn't expect him to react to the commonly asked question 'Casey who?', so I simply asked him what Kc was doing.
Without any hesitation he answered: "Cakey is knocking on door".
I couldn't help but laugh and contemplated on the fact that he was either one smart, little critter, or he figured Oma needed a reality check!
July 17, 2010.
Kc is 3 years and a half years old.
That would present a problem when 'nature calls', but we worked it out. He stands outside the door, knocks and calls: "Oma!"
I couldn't resist after he knocked and asked: "Who's there?"
To my surprise he answered: "Cakey" (Yeah, we are working on his pronounciation of his name).
I didn't expect him to react to the commonly asked question 'Casey who?', so I simply asked him what Kc was doing.
Without any hesitation he answered: "Cakey is knocking on door".
I couldn't help but laugh and contemplated on the fact that he was either one smart, little critter, or he figured Oma needed a reality check!
Hi Corry,
Praying for ya'll that God shows up and continues to bless ya'll!
I like that story about Li'tl KC . I'll give you a clue --It will only get better and more interesting ? I am so glad that ya'll get to spend so much time together !
Continued Blessing to ya'll
We are so grateful as well and we hope God will continue to bless.
We pray for God's blessings on y'all too and are grateful all is well with you and yours!
God's Grace.
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