'Scoop' Of The Day
Date of occurrence:
November 19, 2010.
Kc is 3 years and 11 months and Leo is 2 years and almost 11 months old.
Our youngest daughter had recently gotten the boys a puppy which is being kept inside. While Kc was staying with us, he liked to call his mom and talk to her. At least he said so, but as soon as he got her on the phone, he wanted to talk to his younger brother Leo.
Since we put the phone on speaker, we could follow the entire conversation and I hope you will pardon my French, so to speak, but I am merely relating the exact exchange of words between both brothers.
Leo: "Hey!"
Kc: "Hellooo???"
Leo: "Opa's house?"
Kc: "Yeah, Kc at Oma, Opa's house!"
Leo, rambling a few indistinguishable words first and then relating to his brother the following scoop: "Dog a poop!"
Kc: "Dog a poop???"
Leo: "Yeah, dog a poop!"
Kc: "What???? Dog a poop????"
Leo: "Yeah. Byeeeee."
At that point Opa took the phone back and asked Leo if he could talk to momma. A loud and clear "No!" was the answer. That was fine; we didn't have much else to say either and just laughed at him being a smarty pants. I suppose he had decided that all the news was told.
And that concluded the 'business' of the day!
November 19, 2010.
Kc is 3 years and 11 months and Leo is 2 years and almost 11 months old.

Since we put the phone on speaker, we could follow the entire conversation and I hope you will pardon my French, so to speak, but I am merely relating the exact exchange of words between both brothers.
Leo: "Hey!"
Kc: "Hellooo???"
Leo: "Opa's house?"
Kc: "Yeah, Kc at Oma, Opa's house!"
Leo, rambling a few indistinguishable words first and then relating to his brother the following scoop: "Dog a poop!"
Kc: "Dog a poop???"
Leo: "Yeah, dog a poop!"
Kc: "What???? Dog a poop????"
Leo: "Yeah. Byeeeee."
At that point Opa took the phone back and asked Leo if he could talk to momma. A loud and clear "No!" was the answer. That was fine; we didn't have much else to say either and just laughed at him being a smarty pants. I suppose he had decided that all the news was told.
And that concluded the 'business' of the day!
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