Christmas Lights
Date of occurrence:
December 20, 2010.
Opa stumbled upon a website of a house which was famous for its Christmas light display and the light show which was given after dark. Since it was not too far away, we decided to take our little grandson to see it.
He could hardly wait and finally the time had come to bundle him up, get in the car and go to see the Christmas lights. We were the second ones to arrive and didn't have to wait long before the lights danced to the music. Lil' Kc, and us too for that matter, sat in awe and enjoyed every minute of it.
Even though the entire show lasted for at least 15 minutes, it ended way too soon. We could have sat there and watched it again and again, but our little guy was getting tired and we headed on home; one wonderful experience and memory richer.
Yup, we will go again next year!
December 20, 2010.

He could hardly wait and finally the time had come to bundle him up, get in the car and go to see the Christmas lights. We were the second ones to arrive and didn't have to wait long before the lights danced to the music. Lil' Kc, and us too for that matter, sat in awe and enjoyed every minute of it.
Even though the entire show lasted for at least 15 minutes, it ended way too soon. We could have sat there and watched it again and again, but our little guy was getting tired and we headed on home; one wonderful experience and memory richer.
Yup, we will go again next year!
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