Little Miss
Date of occurrence:
May 21, 2011.
Little Emmaly is one year and 7 and a half months old.
Since not all could make it for Mother's Day last week, it was decided to have everyone over this weekend and all I had to do was sit back, enjoy the company and let myself be surprised by a home cooked shrimp dinner made by our youngest daughter.
We had to run an errand and when we came back, the cooking was in full swing, the grandsons were having fun with their toys while little Emmaly was walking around with her latest addition; a cute, small purse.
She was wearing the purse on her arm and had it stuffed with a couple of building blocks, a play phone and a few cars she had managed to sneak away from her brothers.
No matter where she went; the purse went with her and never left her sight. Yup, she is quite a little Miss already! :-)
May 21, 2011.
Little Emmaly is one year and 7 and a half months old.

We had to run an errand and when we came back, the cooking was in full swing, the grandsons were having fun with their toys while little Emmaly was walking around with her latest addition; a cute, small purse.
She was wearing the purse on her arm and had it stuffed with a couple of building blocks, a play phone and a few cars she had managed to sneak away from her brothers.
No matter where she went; the purse went with her and never left her sight. Yup, she is quite a little Miss already! :-)
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