Little Scar Face
Date of occurrence:
May 12, 2011.
Those of you who have siblings know it is not always easy getting along and fights will occur. Even though both our grandsons may not always agree with each other, they hardly ever get physical, but still; injuries occur and our oldest grandson bears the scars to prove it.
The spot on his cheek happened a couple of days ago, when he and his younger brother butted head by accident.
The scars on his forehead are the result of his brother trying to turn on a standing lamp. The lamp toppled over and landed on Kc's head, who was asleep at that time.
There are also three small bold spots on the back of his head, where his sibling pulled out his hair. These apparently were caused by an actual fight when they were a couple of years younger and they are only visible when his hair is really short.
I know that most of those scars will faint over the years, but I do hope the boys will learn to be a little bit more careful in the near future!
May 12, 2011.
Those of you who have siblings know it is not always easy getting along and fights will occur. Even though both our grandsons may not always agree with each other, they hardly ever get physical, but still; injuries occur and our oldest grandson bears the scars to prove it.

The scars on his forehead are the result of his brother trying to turn on a standing lamp. The lamp toppled over and landed on Kc's head, who was asleep at that time.
There are also three small bold spots on the back of his head, where his sibling pulled out his hair. These apparently were caused by an actual fight when they were a couple of years younger and they are only visible when his hair is really short.
I know that most of those scars will faint over the years, but I do hope the boys will learn to be a little bit more careful in the near future!
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