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Friday, February 8, 2013

So Yummy

Date of occurrence:
October 8, 2012.

In one way or another, we all benefit from our loved one's Birthday. Some may partake in the festivities and enjoy cake and ice cream. Others are blessed by sharing the joys throughout the entire day and the specially prepared meals which appeal to the Birthday boy or girl in this case.

Since it was Columbus Day, the boys were out of school and were able to celebrate and enjoy Emmaly's Birthday to the fullest. After having talked to the Birthday girl, we got Leo on the phone. The little critter had been sick with a cold, but he said he was feeling better and demonstrated that by rattling off all he had done that day.

Kc informed us that they were going to have pizza for dinner and although he was looking forward to that, it didn't compare to breakfast. He didn't hesitate sharing what breakfast consisted of: "Hey Oma, we had pancakes for breakfast and they had sprinkles on them and it was soooooooooo yummy"!

It wasn't so much what he said, but the way and the tone of voice that did it. I could clearly picture the face he makes whenever he would sample something that pleased his taste buds. This usually would be followed by the statement that this was his favorite.

I have no doubt his list of favorites just got a little longer! :-)


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